Land Preparation

Application Background

Land Preparation is the next crucial step in achieving optimal crop growth and maximizing yields. At AllyNav, our advanced land preparation solutions focus on creating the ideal soil structure and surface conditions for planting. Using our state-of-the-art equipment and intelligent platform, farmers can prepare their fields with precision, enhancing soil aeration, moisture retention, and seedbed quality.

Our land leveling systems are designed to ensure the even distribution of water and nutrients across the field, reducing waterlogging and preventing soil erosion. By utilizing GPS-guided land graders and laser leveling technology, the soil surface is optimized for uniform irrigation, reducing the need for excessive water use and promoting efficient crop growth. This precise leveling also minimizes the risk of soil compaction, which can hinder root development and reduce crop yields.

In addition to land leveling, our platform offers tillage management options tailored to different soil types and crop requirements. AllyNav's tillage equipment is designed to break up compacted soil layers, incorporate crop residues, and create a well-aerated seedbed. Our intelligent platform guides the tillage process, ensuring optimal depth and intensity to maintain soil structure while preserving soil moisture and organic matter.

Furthermore, AllyNav's land preparation solutions integrate with our soil management strategies, allowing farmers to make data-driven decisions based on real-time field conditions. By combining soil analysis data with advanced land preparation techniques, we help farmers achieve an optimal growing environment that supports healthy root systems, efficient nutrient uptake, and enhanced crop resilience.

With our comprehensive land preparation solutions, farmers can achieve a well-prepared seedbed, promote uniform crop emergence, and set the foundation for a successful growing season.

Customized Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

Input Control

AllyNav's Input Control solution for land preparation uses the Smart Farm Platform for real-time monitoring. Equipped with Precision Ag software, our intelligent control devices ensure precise input application during soil preparation, planting, and nutrient management, enhancing efficiency and reducing waste.

Leveling Machine Control

The W20 Land Leveling System uses GNSS technology to precisely control land graders, ensuring efficient and accurate field leveling. By integrating real-time data, it optimizes the land surface for better water distribution and soil preparation, improving overall crop performance.

GNSS correction service


AllyNav's PPP-RTK combines Precise Point Positioning with Real-Time Kinematic technology, delivering centimeter-level accuracy for positioning even in challenging environments. It offers rapid convergence and high precision without the need for a dense network of base stations.

GNSS network service


The VRS (Virtual Reference Station) system uses networked GNSS data to create a virtual base station near the user's location, enhancing accuracy and reliability. It allows for precise positioning over larger areas, reducing the need for physical base stations and improving operational efficiency.

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